Additional Titles by Patricia Jepsen


By Copper, as told to Patricia Jepsen

"My name is Copper, Spirit Dog, and I come from the Navajo reservation where I learned many things about the earth and how she listens to our needs....

The Land is our mother. She is the one who cares for us and brings us to good health. If you listen, she will tell you many things and she will help you to understand her magic."

In this inspired volume, Copper, a golden retriever-husky mix, shares his wisdom from Mother Earth. The importance of listening, living in partnership, walking carefully, and remembering one's song are highlighted. In his words: "We all belong to one another. And we are joined by mother earth. Can we remember this?"


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Training Teachers to Be Like Children

A Companion Activity Manual for Six Lessons with Delphi

By Patricia Jepsen and Delphi

"When the young child, who begins life as a compassionate, conscious member of the circle of life, is supported in this soul life and the educational system embraces this sense of loving community, violence will end. One cannot love, honor and respect all life and be violent."

Teaching Delphi: Training Teachers to Be Like Children is a Six Lessons with Delphi syllabus for Teacher-Partners.

Teaching Delphi highlights the themes and student-teacher interactions that are emphasized in the lessons, provides an outline of the written and experiential learning exercises that are included in each lesson, and offers supplemental activities and questions.


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A Read and Color Golden Paw Book

By Patricia Jepsen and Delphi

Artwork by Kimberley Hevesy

The safety of children is of the utmost concern.

Delphi teaches and advises children in the ways to be safe without becoming fearful, in a positively worded, fun-filled read and color book.


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