by Patricia Jepsen and Delphi

A Read and Color Golden Paw Book for Ages 3-12

Cover Art and Illustrations
by Kimberley Hevesy

43 pages, 8 1/2" x 11"
27 illustrations to color

Paperback, $15.00


The safety of children is of the utmost concern.

Delphi teaches and advises children in the ways to be safe without becoming fearful, in a positively worded, fun-filled read and color book.


Here is an important rule.
Do not get into a car
-- even if you know the person --
unless your mother or father
says it is okay.

What does being SAFE mean
to you?



Does it mean...

Holding your parent's hand when you
are crossing a street?


Being careful not to touch the stove
in case it is hot?


Always asking your parents or baby sitter before you go outdoors?


Being careful not to rush up to dogs that you haven't met before?

copyright 2003 by Patricia Jepsen Chuse